Wednesday 25 November 2020


I read an article recently that said that reading a novel is a asignificant antidote to stress. They said that the process of immersing yourself in someone else´s world and story enables you to disconnect temporarily from the concerns, uncertainties and fears in your own situation. The article also said that reading fiction had significantly increased during 2020!

So here´s a quick look at some of what I've been reading lately.


Plus several classics that I've borrowed from Mum's bookshelves. 

I was also reflecting with some friends about the rhythms that are sustaining us through this year. Several people have asked me if I'm upset by being 'stuck' in the UK. I'm not. I guess it's one of the things I learnt early on in missionary life split between 2 very different countries was to always appreciate and take advantage of the things you can do, or see, or eat in the country you're in at the time, rather than pining for what you miss from the other country. 

So this year I have appreciated being able to buy books easier and quickly!, as well as regular connections with family and local friends, Devon countryside, British food (parsnips!!!!!) amongst many other things.

We also recognised that the rhythms that keep us sane and healthy don't have to last forever. They can  change and adapt as the circumstances and seasons change. So in the first lockdown, I created rhythms of countryside walks in wonderful spring weather, and sketching every day. Then there were a couple of months of daily swims. Now in this second lockdown (accompanied by decidedly colder and wetter weather), I've taken advantage of online ballet classes for exercise - rekindling my youthful enthusiasm for dance as well as my frustration with french terms!!

The important thing is to do things that nourish us. Being present where we are helps us to appreciate the blessing in each place and time. 

What rhythms do you have to keep yourself nourished at the moment?

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