Monday 11 May 2020

Indoor (or InDevon) Expedition

This week, I am undertaking an Indoor Expedition with Latin Link to raise funds for vulnerable communities affected by COVID-19 in Latin America.

I will be walking 82km over the week. That´s the equivalent of walking around Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. I made a good start and clocked up 38,002m over the weekend. I´m very lucky to be based in Devon and be able to see some fantastic countryside without having to break any social distancing rules. Here´s a few of my favourites...

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Lockdown activities

I have continued to work full time from the dining room... but had time for a few other entertainments as well....

Lockdown views

I feel very lucky to be in a place where my government sanctioned daily exercise can enable me to see these views.....