Tuesday 2 August 2011

The list still isn't ready

So yesterday was supposed to be the last day in which any appeal could be made for presidential candidates. Sandra has been working hard and has gone through every conceivable appeal process, all of them agreeing with the first -- that she has committed electural fraud by divorcing her husband in order to stand. Alongside the legal appeals, she´s also pulled all the stops out by bussing her supporters (generally from the poorer rural areas) into the city to protest and march, at every opportunity, causing havock with traffic systems, already at capacity. These protests continue.

There´s been a lot less news of Harold Cabelleros. Perhaps he´s decided to bow out gracefully........ or maybe just hasn´t got as many supporters to protest for him!

In other political news, other presidential candidates played a televised game of football against journalists!. Can you imagine that in England???? (David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown vs Jeremy Paxman, Fiona Bruce and David Dimbleby all in their football shorts....... it doesn´t bare thinking about!)

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