Tuesday 2 August 2011

Discipleship consultation.

Last week, I was helping out with a regional consultation run by the Ezra Centre. They are a Guatemalan organisation that trains local pastors (and others) in holistic mission. Every year they hold a consultation around a significant topic. This year is was "Discipleship: Responsible citizenship in the world". It was great to have 300 pastors from Central America, not only listening to great teaching, but being part of a process of learning with others.

One story which shows the significance of the theme, was that the week before the event, Israel, the Director of the Ezra Centre was invited to talk on one of the Christian radio stations. He was introduced by the DJ explaining that the consultation was a training event for a new discipleship programme or course. That is the usual understanding of discipleship here in Guatemala -- that you can follow a course, run by a church, and then you arrive at being fully discipled.

The focus of the consultation was actually much more about encouraging a lifestyle of discipleship - which allows our faith to touch and affect every area of our lifes. Yes it´s about churches - but not about programmes - more an ongoing atmosphere and attitude of Christians learning from older Christians, or an intentional effort to share the reality of our lifes with each other so that we can grow more into the likeness of Jesus.

I was part of the team helping out with the running of the event, and it was great fun to get to know other people and be part of the action!.

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