Saturday 1 September 2012

Step Tour Guide

I think one of the perks of the job of Short Term Coordinator is to organise the holiday time for the Step teams, and get to show them my favourite place in Guatemala.
 I never get tired of this view - and a swim in the lake is definitely the best way to start the day. I even managed to persuade a couple of people to join me.
 This time, I took 2 teams together to the Lake - watching them interact was quite entertaining!

 We celebrated David´s birthday altogether.

 The adventurous ones before their Cables Extremos (Zip wire) escapade!

My usual hostel. The downside is having to accompany so many people who want to buy souvenirs. In my opinion shopping is the most boring activity in the world! - but I took advantage of this - and managed to do all my Christmas shopping - and send it all home with one of the steppers who lives near my family! Bargain.

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