Thursday 12 June 2008

Messages from God

Around Guatemala city over the last couple of weeks I've noticed several messages from God! They have appears on large bill boards around the city (Is that the modern equivalent for Balaam's donkey??), and have been short - but not so sweet.

'Que parte de 'No debes', no entendiste..Dios'
(what part of 'do not..', don't you understand.. God)

'No me hagas bajar ....Dios'
(Don't let me down. God).

'Recuerdes mi 7mo mandamiento.... No Robaras..... Dios'
(Do you remember my 7th commandment.... Do not steal...... God')

The cynical part of me can just imagine some church leader (or advertising director??) thinking that this would be a great way of bringing people to God, and maybe getting a kick out of signing off as God.
But another part of me feels really annoyed that when they chose to speak on God's behalf, they thought the most important message from Him should be one of condemnation - in the tone of voice of a parent telling off a naughter child.

On the other hand, I have been reading 'Intelligent Church' by Steve Chalke and Antony Watkis which has really inspired me. They talk about churches who strive to be inclusive, welcoming to all and generous - and as a result are 'messy'! Where people with 'mess' actually feel welcome and loved rather than embarrassed by the mess that they bring with them, or even outright excluded because of it.
'Generous churches see the good in others and respond with a spirit of kindness and open-handedness rather than judgement. Generous churches sees a person's potential before they see a person's problems. Generous churches acknowledge the issue of sin in each individual's life, but they do so within the context of recognising their own daily battle in this area......A generous church..... as a group of beggars telling other beggars where to find bread.'
This is the sort of church I want to be a part of.

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