Wednesday, 2 November 2016

All Saints Day Celebrations

It´s been a few years since I went to one of the All Saints Day celebrations - the kite competitions - so yesterday I went with a few friends. Traditionally, families would go to the cemetery and fly home made kites in memory of their loved ones who have passed away. Now a couple of towns are well known for their kite flying competitions.
The kites are made by groups or clubs, who spend months planning, deisgning and making their kites. They are made out of tissue paper, supported by bamboo, and involve intricate designs, telling a story, or paying homage to someone, or supporting relevant themes ('No to child abuse', o 'Celebrate Nature'). The kite are of various sizes, some as large as 10metres across.
 On All Saints Day (1st Nov), everyone gatheres together to compete as they attempt to fly the kites. The smaller sizes (2, 3 or 4metres across) have a good chance of flying, but these days the larger ones are more of admiration, than for real flying.
 Thousands of people gather in Sumpango to see all the kites, watch the attempts at flying them, and also for the kids just to have fun flying their own normal-sized kites.
 So here´s just a few of the amazing kites that were on display yesterday.

 Friends and Latin Linkers appreciating the kites!

Kids all around us were successfully flying kites - but it´s actually not as easy as it looks!! But this is proof that we eventually managed to get the hang of it!